AI vs. Human Content: Which Should You Use to Boost Traffic?

Explore the differences between AI and human content in this blog. Let's find out which is the better option for you: AI vs. Human Content


Githu Ravikkumar

Published Date:

May 13, 2024


Last Modified:

June 5, 2024

 An image with the text "Who Writes Better Content, AI or Humans?" featuring a woman and a robot both using laptops on a light blue background, including the GravityWrite logo.
 An image with the text "Who Writes Better Content, AI or Humans?" featuring a woman and a robot both using laptops on a light blue background, including the GravityWrite logo.

Introduction to AI Vs. Human Content

Currently, 47% of marketers use AI to craft content, and 58% of businesses employ AI for content research. If you haven’t yet started using AI, you might be missing out on significant benefits. But the question remains: Does AI truly outperform humans in creating content that resonates deeply with audiences?

Pie chart showing the percentage of AI usage by companies: Fully enabled 25%, Tested it out 14%, Limited implementation 33% and Dont use AI 7%

In this blog post, we will dive into the nuances of using AI in content marketing. We’ll analyze everything from efficiency and cost to creativity and emotional depth. This comparison will help you understand the best approach for your content needs, whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out.

Stay with me because, by the end of this blog, you might discover new strategies to enhance your content generation process, blending the best of AI intelligence and human creativity.

Let’s explore the capabilities and limitations of AI in content creation and see how it competes against the traditional intelligence of human content writers.

What is AI Content?

AI-generated content means using AI writing software tools to create various types of content like texts, images, audio, and many others. These tools analyze existing data to generate new content that is similar in style, structure, and context. They use models like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to learn patterns and links within the data on which they are trained and can generate new content based on user prompts.

What is Human Written Content?

Human-written content refers to any form of content—such as articles, books, blogs, scripts, poetry, reports, and more—that is created by humans rather than generated by AI.

Detailed Analysis of AI vs. Human Content

1. Quality of Content

AI Content: Correct, but might lack deeper meaning

Example: An AI-generated article on climate change might include accurate data and general insights but may miss the nuance of personal narratives or experience.

  • AI-generated Content: "Climate change is caused by the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It leads to rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and more frequent extreme weather events."

Human Content: Deeper understanding and ideas

Example: A human-written article on climate change can include personal anecdotes and emotional appeals.

  • Human-written Content: "I remember standing on the shores of Alaska, watching glaciers that had stood for decades melting away. It was a reminder that climate change isn't just a statistic; it's a reality affecting our world greatly."

2. Speed and Efficiency

AI Content: Fast content generation

Example: A news organization using AI to generate real-time summaries of sports events.

  • AI-generated Content: "In today's match, Team A defeated Team B with a score of 3-2. The winning goal was scored in the 89th minute, securing Team A's place in the finals."

Human Content: Takes more time to write carefully

Example: A human journalist writing a detailed match report that includes analysis, player interviews, and expert commentary.

  • Human-written Content: "In an exhilarating showdown, Team A emerged victorious over Team B with a last-minute goal. The atmosphere was electric as fans cheered their team's advance to the finals. Player X's performance was particularly noteworthy, demonstrating exceptional skill and determination."

3. Scalability

AI Content: Can produce large volumes quickly

Example: An e-commerce site using AI to generate thousands of product descriptions.

  • AI-generated Content: "This stylish red dress is perfect for any occasion. Made from high-quality materials, it offers both comfort and elegance."

Human Content: Time and effort required for large volumes

Example: A team of writers crafting personalized product descriptions that highlight unique features and benefits.

  • Human-written Content: "Turn heads at your next event with this stunning red dress. Crafted from luxurious silk, it not only exudes elegance but also ensures unparalleled comfort. Whether it's a formal dinner or a casual gathering, this dress is your go-to for making a lasting impression."

4. Cost

AI Content: Low ongoing costs after setup

Example: A company using AI to generate regular blog posts on industry news.

  • AI-generated Content: "The latest trends in the tech industry include advancements in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Companies are increasingly investing in these areas to stay competitive."

Human Content: Higher costs due to labor

Example: Hiring a professional writer or journalist to produce in-depth articles on industry trends.

  • Human-written Content: "As the tech industry evolves, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology have emerged as viral areas of innovation. Leading companies are pouring resources into these technologies, seeking to leverage their potential for transformative change. Experts suggest that the next decade will see unprecedented advancements, reshaping the competitive landscape."

5. Creativity and Innovation

AI Content: Lacks originality

Example: AI creating a generic advertisement for a new smartphone.

  • AI-generated Content: "The new smartphone offers a high-resolution camera, fast processor, and long battery life. It's the perfect choice for tech enthusiasts."

Human Content: Original and inventive ideas

Example: A human marketer crafting a creative campaign for the same smartphone.

  • Human-written Content: "Capture life's best moments with unmatched clarity using our latest smartphone. Powered by advanced technology, it not only keeps you connected but also turns every snapshot into a masterpiece. Embrace innovation, embrace the extraordinary."

6. Reliability and Accuracy

AI Content: Good with data but can be inaccurate

Example: AI summarizing a complex medical study.

  • AI-generated Content: "The study shows that the new drug is effective in reducing symptoms of the disease. Further research is needed to confirm these findings."

Human Content: Better at verifying facts and ensuring accuracy

Example: A medical writer analyzing and interpreting the same study.

  • Human-written Content: "The recent clinical trial of the new drug revealed a significant reduction in symptoms for patients. However, the study says that additional research is essential to fully understand the long-term efficacy and potential side effects. As Dr. Smith explains, 'While these results are promising, we must approach them with careful optimism.'"

7. Personalization

AI Content: Matches content to user preferences, sometimes off

Example: An AI personalizing marketing emails.

  • AI-generated Content: "Hi [Name], we noticed you liked our recent collection. Here are some new arrivals you might love."

Human Content: Tailored to audience needs

Example: A human writer crafting personalized emails based on detailed customer profiles.

  • Human-written Content: "Hi Sarah, we saw you loved our summer collection! We've handpicked a few new arrivals we think you'll adore. Each piece is designed with your unique style in mind, ensuring you look and feel fabulous all season long."

8. Ethical Considerations

AI Content: Potential for bias and misuse

Example: AI generating news content that inadvertently perpetuates bias.

  • AI-generated Content: "Reports indicate a rise in crime rates in urban areas. Authorities are taking measures to address the issue."

Human Content: Ethical considerations in content creation

Example: A human journalist writing a balanced and ethical piece on the same topic.

  • Human-written Content: "While recent reports suggest an increase in crime rates in certain urban areas, it's important to consider the broader context. Factors such as economic inequality, social services, and community engagement play significant roles. Experts emphasize the need for comprehensive strategies that address the root causes of crime, rather than merely focusing on punishments."

9. Complex Prompts Involved in AI

AI Content: Complex prompts required for optimal results

Example: Write a 70-word article about machine learning in a disciplined and natural tone. Use basic, plain English to make it understandable for people at all levels of English knowledge. Explain what machine learning is, how it is used in everyday life, and why it is important. Make sure the tone is clear and straightforward, without using complicated words. The goal is to inform and educate readers about the basics of machine learning in an accessible way.

  • AI-generated Content: Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that helps computers learn from data and improve over time without being explicitly programmed. It is used in everyday life in things like recommendation systems on Netflix, voice assistants like Siri, and spam filters in email. Understanding machine learning is important because it is changing how we interact with technology and can solve many real-world problems efficiently.

Human Content: No prompts involved, However, human intuition and expertise guidance might be necessary.

Example: A human expert writing a tutorial on machine learning can intuitively decide which concepts to explain in more detail and how to structure the content for better comprehension.

  • Human-written Content: "Machine learning is an exciting part of AI that allows computers to learn from data and make decisions without being programmed. As an example, consider how you would teach a child to distinguish between various fruits. In this case we use supervised learning: we show the computer many pictures of different types of fruit (e.g., apples or bananas) until It knows what any given type is when asked about it by another person.’ This approach differs from unsupervised learning which is about finding relationships in data without using any guidance or suggestions (much like playing hide and seek).”

AI for content marketers: Pros - time-saving (88%), high quality (82%), clarity (49%). Cons - long implementation (69%), risks (35%), cost (19%).

While AI-generated content offers advantages in speed, efficiency, scalability, and cost, human-written content excels in quality, creativity, reliability, personalization, and ethical considerations. Additionally, AI content generation requires carefully crafted complex prompts to achieve the best results, whereas human writers use their intuition and expertise to guide content creation.

Guidelines for Integrating AI into Content Creation

Here is a guide on how to integrate AI and human intelligence:

  • Define Clear Objectives: Set goals for AI use, whether improving production speed, enhancing content quality, or personalizing user experiences.

  • Choose the Right AI Tools: Research and select AI tools that align with your content creation needs and objectives.

  • Combine AI with Human Expertise: Use AI as a tool to assist, not replace, human content creators.

  • Provide the Right Input: The quality of AI output depends on user input.

  • Understand the Technology: Know how AI tools work and their capabilities and limitations.

  • Train and Customize: Train the AI model with specific data to improve its accuracy and relevance.

  • Avoid Using AI for Sensitive Topics: Use human reasoning for sensitive topics to ensure accuracy and appropriateness.

How GravityWrite Can Help?

You can use our human-written blog post tool to create content that sounds natural and can pass AI content detectors. GravityWrite, an AI writing software with over 250 free AI tools, is trusted by many companies and marketers worldwide.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open GravityWrite and select "Start for free."

  2. Sign up using your Google account.

  3. Complete registration to receive 2,000 free words.

  4. Login and go to the GravityWrite dashboard.

  5. Select from 11 tools to generate blog content.

  6. Input your topic in the “Human-written Blog Post” tool and generate content.

  7. Edit if needed and then copy or export the content to use on your blog.

Want to know how? Check out my other blog post, where I have given more tips and tricks to use the tool and craft your AI content to perfection.

Future Trends: What Can You Expect from AI Content Writing Tools

In the future, AI will improve in tailoring content to individual tastes, needs, and cultures. AI won't just create text; it'll generate images, videos, sounds, data charts, and complex infographics with higher accuracy. AI models might ensure information is true and fair, and help select the best content by analyzing trends and data.

New rules will likely emerge as generative AI tools create more content. AI will become better at understanding and speaking different languages naturally. Ethical guidelines will be crucial, focusing on transparency, responsibility, and information security.

Bar chart showing the percentages of countries deploying and exploring AI. Countries include Australia, Canada, China, and others, with a global comparison.

From this image, we can see that countries have already started to explore AI. Be it any industry, AI has become a part of their work module. However, there is room for improvement in the field of AI.

Comparative Analysis: AI Vs. Human Content

While comparing AI vs. human writing, let's look at where each excels and where they falter. Below is a clear comparison of how AI tools perform against what humans can do in various aspects:

Now, let us head to the comparison.

This comparative analysis will show that AI tools are better in terms of efficiency, cost, and scalability. However, human content creators still hold the edge in creativity, emotional intelligence, and nuanced personalization. 

S. NoAspectAI ContentHuman Content
1Quality of ContentCorrect but might lack deeper meaningDeeper understanding and ideas
2Speed and EfficiencyFast content generationTakes more time to write carefully
3ScalabilityCan produce large volumes quicklyTime and effort required for large volumes
4CostLow ongoing costs after setupHigher costs due to labor
5CreativityLimited to existing data and patternsCan bring original ideas and perspectives
6AdaptabilityCan be fine-tuned for specific needsRequires human judgment and adaptation
7Emotional ConnectionOften lacks emotional resonanceCan evoke empathy and connection

It Is Not AI vs. Human Content, But AI and Human Content!

As we wrap up, remember it's not AI vs. human content; it’s about combining their strengths. AI brings speed and efficiency, while humans provide creativity, empathy, and ethical judgment.

Adopting both AI and human capabilities can balance computational power and creative spirit. By combining the best of AI and human creativity, you can enhance your content creation process and achieve outstanding results.

GravityWrite, one of the best AI Content Generators, helps you create content that feels natural. The best part? It’s free to use, with 1,000 words free every month just by signing up.

What are you waiting for? Create an account for free and start creating AI content that reads like it was written by a human.

FAQs on AI Vs. Human Content

  1. Can AI create content that feels as genuine as something a human would write?

    While AI can produce content that is informative and helpful, it may lack the depth, nuance, and emotional resonance that human writers bring to their work. So it better give your inputs or tweak the content to better suit your needs.

  2. Will AI eventually replace human content creators?

    Artificial intelligence isn't likely to entirely replace human content creators. It works more as a tool to streamline and fasten the content creation process, allowing humans to focus on aspects that require creativity and intuitive thinking.

  3. How does AI-generated content impact SEO?

    AI-generated content can be optimized for search engines, potentially improving SEO. However, search engines like Google prioritize high-quality, valuable content for users. To be on the safe side, you need to optimize your content according to user intent to rank higher.

  4. What are the benefits of AI-generated content?

    AI content can be produced faster and potentially on a larger scale than human-generated content. It can also analyze data to create highly personalized content. Also, AI tools are easy to use and beginner-friendly. It is much cheaper than having a skilled content writer around.

  5. Is it cost-effective to use AI for content creation?

    Using AI for content creation can be cost-effective, especially for generating large volumes of content. However, human content writers provide depth, creativity, and emotional engagement to the content, which is non-negotiable.

  6. Why do some people prefer human-generated content over AI-generated content?

    Many people value the unique perspectives, emotional depth, and creativity that human content writers bring. Human-generated content can better capture and convey nuances, humor, empathy, and other qualities that AI struggles to replicate as effectively.

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